Student Questions

student questions

We are proud of how comprehensive our website is and try to stay ahead of the curve and predict the questions and concerns that students are experiencing.  However, we work with thousands of students a year, from universities all around the world.  Every once in a while, a student has a question that we have not yet addressed in our tutorials and guides.  That is why we developed our student questions section.  Not quite a FAQ, our student question section is where students can go to find out more information about the art and craft of academic writing.

What type of questions do students ask us?  Honestly, it depends on the student.  Some of our previous customers have asked very specific, technical questions about different writing types.  We answer those questions for the students, and sometimes use those questions to develop guides and tutorials for our entire customer base.  For example, we began to get a number of questions about the synthesis essay, and realized that many professors had begun to use this term to describe a very specific type of argumentative/persuasive essay that requires the student to call on class reading lists for their supporting information.  Once we saw that need, we expanded our answer from the student question section and into our tutorial section.

Other students ask very specific questions about their own projects.  We have answered student request on topics as varied as can we suggest sources for a particular type of essay and how a student can avoid run-on sentences in their writing.  We get a lot of questions about the writing process, and the answers vary for that because each of our writers has his or her own process.  In other words, our student questions section is designed to give you an opportunity to ask a professional writer any and all of the questions you may have while working on your own writing assignments.


What theories can I apply for a research work on attitude of female journalism students towards business journalism as a profession?

There are several general theories of career choice that can be used to examine this issue, including Parson’s theory which involves an assessment of individual values, skills, personality and interests which are then used to identify appropriate occupational choices. Likewise, Holland’s theory of career choice which categorizes individuals into one of six different personality types (i.e., realistic, artistic, enterprising, social, conventional and investigative) to determine what type of profession is most suitable. More specifically, the perception theory of communication developed by Berelson and Steiner (1964) provides a useful framework in which to study the attitude of female journalism students concerning Continue Reading...

How can I write an essay on child labor?

An interesting approach to writing an essay on child labor would be to describe its evolution. Throughout history, children have worked as servants or apprentices, but the practice reached its height during the Industrial Revolution when millions of children were forced to work long hours in dangerous factories for slave wages. Many of these young people were brutalized by their adult overseers and little regard was given to their safety or welfare. Today, although many young people in countries such as the United States have part-time jobs, there are laws that protect them from working too many hours or from Continue Reading...

I have to submit a term paper on cryptography. What kind of topic can I choose?

There are a number of interesting topics that are related to cryptography (Greek for “secret writing”), including classic cryptography. For example, in 400 BCE, the ancient Spartans were the first to employ a type of cryptography that used a scytale which was used to wrap a piece of parchment around it so that a message could be read but which was meaningless otherwise. Likewise, so-called “Caesar ciphers” which used letter substitutions were purportedly used by Julius Caesar used to conceal messages from adversaries. Another interesting topic about cryptography occurred during World War II when Allied cryptologists managed to capture an Continue Reading...

What is a good essay topic for “Laws of Life”?

            The term “laws of life” refers to ideas or values that are used to guide how people view themselves and the manner in which they live their lives. The term was originally coined by Farley Mowat to describe those sets of principles that are most suitable for helping people survive a harsh environment. Some interesting essay topics for the laws of life might include the following: What does Christianity or other religions have to say about the laws of life? What tends to happen to people who violate the laws of life? Can developing a better understanding of the Continue Reading...

What is a good thesis statement on discrimination?

A thesis statement is simply a sentence that describes the main topic that will be presented and discussed in a research paper. In some cases, it may require two sentences to introduce the topic and then explain the focus of your paper. Applied to the topic of discrimination, the first thing you should do is gain a thorough understanding of what the issue is all about. Most people likely know what discrimination is, but many have never personally experienced its effects. According to the definition provided by Black’s Law Dictionary, discrimination is “the effect of a statute or established practice Continue Reading...

Funny argumentative essay ideas?

The source of humor is incongruity:  when one outcome is expected and another is presented. Although capturing the essence of humor in written form can be elusive, it is possible to write an argumentative essay that is funny by drawing on recent topical events that have been shared by a society (think Jerry Seinfeld). Certainly, it is possible to grab a teacher’s attention by arguing about something outrageous such as how “Bart Simpson has become an American role model for young people,” but a more effective approach might be to describe some potentially real-life outcomes that could actually develop. For Continue Reading...

How do you write a 500-word essay about poverty?

Many students may know what it’s like to be broke, but fortunately, few may have personally experienced the devastating effects of poverty. Since you only have a couple of pages to work with, it will be important to get to the point quickly in this essay. Some of the common problems that are attributable to poverty include issues such as malnutrition, diminished health and education, as well as increased crime rates. Each of these problems could easily have several sentences devoted to them and you’ll have 500 words before you know it. If you need some help along the way, Continue Reading...

How can I write an essay about why education is important?

The first step in writing an essay about the importance of education is to determine what think about this issue and then compare those thoughts to the available literature. Most people would likely agree that an education is important because it is helps people achieve their personal and professional goals, but there are a number of other reasons that can be included in such an essay. Not only is education a basic human right outlined in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, education is also the process by which a society transmits its values and traditions and develops citizens Continue Reading...

How do I make my essay stand out?

Besides containing informative and authoritative content, essays also have to look good in order to stand out. In general, this means using a standard typeface such as Times New Roman or Arial with one-inch margins all around. In addition, you should carefully proofread your essay to ensure that it does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors, that all material is properly cited and attributed following the required citation style and that transitions are included between sections. Appropriate tabular information and graphic elements can also help your essay stand out by illustrating the concepts that are being discussed. For example, Continue Reading...

How do I write a reflective essay?

As the term connotes, a reflective essay draws on writers’ life experiences to describe how they feel about a given issue or event. In sum, a reflective essay requires writers to “reflect” on their life experiences in order to provide unique personal observations and interpretations. Unlike other types of essays, reflective essays do not typically rely on facts and figures but rather on the empirical knowledge that is gained through first-hand experience. This doesn’t mean, of course, that facts and figures are not usually included in reflective essays, but it does mean that your own perceptions of these facts and Continue Reading...