Ability to Enjoy Medieval Interpretive A-Level Coursework

Total Length: 629 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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So, the experiential tool kit for medieval dance must include some knowledge of the development of polyphonic music.

The prime function of lyric was to accompany dance. Churchmen many times attacked the practice of dance songs in the worship service as heretical. For instance, Gnostic churches loved dance in the religious service as a way to self-discovery and self-wisdom. The widespread condemnation of the practice would indicate how unstoppable it was and how popular it was. For this reason, we can readily explain why it was tolerated (Patterson 96).


The argument in 2 is most like response D. To begin with, there is a statement in which one thing can not happen if another is true. In the statement, Columbus and Akron cannot both be in Carly Simon's tour route. In a similar line of logic, Annabelle will not vote for Anastasia if Alexis does not run. In the second part of number 2, there is a statement that will happen unless another action occurs.

Stuck Writing Your "Ability to Enjoy Medieval Interpretive" A-Level Coursework?

However, this is counterbalanced by a statement that the other action can not ever occur. Therefore, the second statement is disproved. Like the impossibility of the Akron stop, Alexander will not get Annabelle's vote even though all of the conditions have been met.


The argument in 3 is most like response B. The argument is based upon an association (like between Tiffany's and the assumption that they sell only quality jewelry). Like this argument, argument B. is assuming that the professional educators know what they are doing. There is an implicit trust here that determines a course of action for the students.


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