Abraham Lincoln to a Proposed A-Level Coursework

Total Length: 1379 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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This suggests that as Age increases, Current Sales decreases but the correlation between the increase in age and the decrease in current sales is not strong enough to suggest that age is a determining function in the outcome of current sales. Therefore, age does not effect the current sales number as any employee on staff with age as a non-factor is able to lead in the current sales figures.

4. The following is a regression model depicting the likelihood of buying a new car given total family income and the likelihood of buying tickets to a rock concert given age.

a.) Y^ = a^ + ss^X; Y^ = 3.5 + .7X, where Y^ = likelihood of buying a new car and X = total family income

b) Y^= a^ + ss^X; Y^= 3.5 - .4x, where Y^ = the likelihood of buying tickets to a rock concert and X = age.

The regression equation for a is a predictor of Y^ pronounced Y-hat suggests that for every unit increase in x, or family income, y increases by 4.2. So for every increase in total family income the likelihood of buying a new car increases by 4.2.

The regression equation for b is a predictor of Y^ and suggests that for every unit increase in x, or age, y increases by 3.9. For every unit increase in age, the likelihood of buying tickets to a rock concert increases by 3.9.

The ANOVA summary table is the result of a regression of sales on year of sales

Explained by regression 605, 370, 750 1-3.12 with the sum of squares, degrees of freedom, mean, and f-value shown respectively. Unexplained by the regression is 1,551,381,712 8 193,922, 714 and the total error is 9. The alpha value to test whether the relationship is statistically significant is alpha=.05 or 5% so the test is for 95% confidence or that the distribution is within 2?. Yes the test is significant at alpha .05 and does not need to test at alpha .

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01 however if one does not feel .05 is sufficient then testing at 3? is the next step.

6. A metropolitan economist attempts to predict the average total budget for retired couples in Phoenix based on the average of U.S. urban retired couples total budget. An r squared value of .7824 is the result of the analysis. This is to say that 78% of the data is explained by the dependant variable, or that 78% of the result is explained by the choice in dependant variable. A value above .8 would be a nice target but .78 is very close and therefore suggests that much of the data has been explained by using the mean of U.S. urban retired couples. The result would suggest that perhaps Phoenix may have to lower the predicted average of total budget required as the unexplained 21 and a fraction may imply a higher than necessary budget figure.

7. A football teams season ticket sales, percentage of games won, and active alumni for the years 1992-2000 are given below:

The regression equation for sales and percentages of games won is

Y^ = 10528.34+3.48x

The regression equation for sales and number of active alumni is

Y^ = 8112.18+0.76x

8. No the testing of Liker-scaled items without first testing for their linear relationships brings in a measure of multi-collinearity and bias into the study. Additionally, the ethical nature of making decisions that may be use to discipline employees is critical to the operating ethically in a performance measurement environment. This may overstate the frequency of absenteeism or misinterpret the underlying assumptions and lead to a wrong decision or a misinformed decision.


Year Price Mile

Year 1-0.87016 0.95127

0 0.0551 0.0128

Corr Coef 0.9844181083

Price 0.87016 1-0.97309

0.0551 0-0.0053

Corr Coef 0.9972286364

Mile 0.95127 0.97309 1

0.0128 0.0053 0

Corr Coef 0.9946712315



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