Academic Research/Writing Television: Searching for Essay

Total Length: 644 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The article was dated from 1977 and would not have been available to me, had I simply Googled for results on the popular show. Older information is not always available on the World Wide Web, given that many academic articles and articles from history are not open to free access by the general public. This article, if I were to research the impact of the Mary Tyler Moore Show upon feminist and sexual liberation politics would be a useful example both of how the show was seen during the time of its airing, as well as provide scholarly analysis of the show's content. However, not all sources from an academic library are written by scholars: the ESC library contains a number of books on Mary Tyler Moore that are not scholarly, such as the actress' autobiography as well as books published by academic presses such as Heartland TV: Prime time television and the struggle for U.S. identity by Victoria E.

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Johnson (NYU Press, 2008).

When I typed in The Simpsons and 'American popular culture' to search for academic resources, I found a number of peer-reviewed journals upon the show, including a 2000 work from an educational journal Teaching Sociology entitled "The cartoon society: Using The Simpsons to teach and learn sociology" by Stephen J. Scanlan and Seth L. Feinberg, which suggested that the cartoon was a kind of an accessible microcosm of the changes and developments American society. "The Simpsons meet Mark Twain" by Renee Hobbs from The English Journal also examined how The Simpsons could be used as a teaching device of literary techniques such as satire. Despite the fact that The Simpsons have many popular news articles written about them, the number of peer-reviewed journal articles and academic books about the show is a testimony to its influence and also its intellectual aspirations beyond disposable popular….....

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"Academic Research Writing Television Searching For", 24 May 2010, Accessed.17 June. 2024,