Acadia University Promotion Overall Strategy Term Paper

Total Length: 533 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Prospective students interested in pursuing a degree in a new field should be able to review a clear outline of the options available in that regard. However, all promotional materials should also cater to prospective students who need to fulfill specific courses to obtain certifications or other employment-specific skills without burdening them with unnecessary program requirements if they wish to tae only individual courses. Furthermore, to the extent any courses necessarily require prerequisites, the promotional material should also make clear that those requirements are capable of being suspended in individual cases by the approval of instructors or other appropriate Arcadia personnel.

Educational Goal Counseling and Job Placement Assistance

The Arcadia promotional strategy should also include extensive references to the availability of career counseling and job placement assistance.

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This element of Arcadia promotional initiatives is especially important to attract those adult students who do not yet have a clear picture of exactly how they wish to supplement their previous educational experiences and credentials to achieve practical objectives in the vocational environment. Ideally, the Arcadia University promotions package should provide an educational counseling service that is available prior to enrolment or matriculation to assist prospective students make decisions about their intended courses of study. This feature would attract interest both from those who are already potentially interested in the institution as well as from those who take advantage of it without yet having any specific interest in Arcadia but whose interest in attending the institution could be developed through that avenue......

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"Acadia University Promotion Overall Strategy", 14 June 2011, Accessed.17 June. 2024,