Addressing Biting Behavior Using ABC Chart Essay

Total Length: 564 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Emily's Condition Using ABC Chart

ABC Analysis Chart

Child: Emily Observer: Lead educator in her classroom




Possible Function

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Emily is playing alone with a doll. Janesta, who is 23 months old, walks over to Emily and takes the doll Emily was playing with.

Emily bites Janesta on the arm.

I swiftly pick up Emily and tell her, "We don't bite," and hold her in my lap for a few minutes. Then she runs to play with blocks.

Emily is trying to self-assert through expressing her frustration at Janesta's actions. She is using biting as the quickest and most effective means to protest since she does not have the necessary language skills ("Toddler Biting Behavior," n.d.).

September 27th 2015


Emily walks up to a boy in the class.

Emily bites the boy on the shoulder without any apparent provocation.

The assistant quickly picks Emily up and moves her to the reading area and reads her a book. Emily stays there for 10 minutes, quietly turning pages.

Emily is trying to get attention of the assistant. She probably knows that biting generates a predictable response i.e. attention of the assistant. This is evident in her calmness after the incident.

Stuck Writing Your "Addressing Biting Behavior Using ABC Chart" Essay?

Part 2: Behavior Change Chart


How would you change the antecedent?

What do you expect to happen and why?

What else might happen and why?

What strategies would you implement and why?

Provocation by classmates and walking towards others.

Avoid crowding children during playtime and allow them autonomy on where to play.

Provocation is expected to reduce since the toddlers will have several legitimate options for playing as well as adequate space and toys for playing.

The toddlers are likely to have feelings of self-control and power.

1. Provide the children with several toys to prevent them from fighting for them and provoking each other.

2. Teach them some basic gestures or language. This will help them say "help" or "stop" when provoked rather than bite ("Responding to Your Child's Bite," n.d.).


How would you change the consequence?

What do you expect to happen and why?

What else might happen and why?

What strategies would you implement and why?

Talking to the child about biting and giving her the desired attention.

Re-establish harmony by caring for the victim and the child who bites.

The bitten child will be comforted while the one who….....

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