ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Term Paper

Total Length: 831 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Students with attention problems are more likely to succeed on academic tasks that are well-matched to their abilities and when instructed at their pace of learning.

To gather data on how effective peer tutoting is, DuPaul and Henningson implemented their case study on an ADHD child, Don, by observing his behavior when given with the traditional teacher lecturing and when provided with peer tutoring method. The case study's result shows that Don exhibited a higher rate of fidgety and out of task behavior in the classwide learning process. On the other hand, during peer tutoring, Don showed a significant improvement both in his academic performance and stability of focus to his tasks.

In another study conducted by Aro and his colleagues, where they implemented their analysis by providing more teaching guidance and supervision on non-ADHD and ADHD children, they found that provision of more attention to ADHD students during their process of learning helps them improve their focus on what they are doing.

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After the treatment, the results show that those children with a high hyperactivity level somehow learned to control their impulsivity in a situation such as solving mathematical problems, which requires effortful processing..."

Attention Deficit Disorder Help Center Online suggests the following strategies in helping ADHD children adopt a better learning process.

Adapt techniques in using worksheet. For instance, teach the child how to fold his worksheet in a way that it will reveal questions one at a time. This is to keep him in focus on just one question before another.

Note-taking skills. Teach the ADHD child how to take notes in an organize manner.

Checklist. Teach the child to make a list of the mistakes he frequently commits in learning, and teach him how to use such list as a reference when doing study tasks. For instance, a checklist of his mistakes in mathematics may help him check his work in his future assignments......

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