Advertisement in the Media: Assessing Company Motive Essay

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Advertisement in the Media: Assessing Company

Motive and Public Perception

Kassin, Fein and Markus (2011) note: "the strength of an attitude is indicated not only by the amount of information on which it is based but also by how that information was acquired" (p. 213). This notion applies perfectly to the art of successful advertisement. The public need not be bombarded by the same advertisement on a daily basis to have its message engrained in their minds. A clever advertisement, if presented in the right manner, only takes one view to resonate in its viewers psyche, leaving them thinking about the ad long after they are out of its physical presence.

This type of resonating advertisement can be seen in Denver Water's recent water conservation promotion campaign which reads, "Use Only What You Need." The billboard itself utilizes only about one fourth of the available space, leaving the rest of the billboard in a bare-bones state of visible beams and structural supports. In viewing the advertisement as a whole, onlookers are left with the textual message itself and the overall presentation of the ad fixed in their minds.

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As simple as the advertisement itself, the effect it elicits is much more complex.

The message of the advertisement is being directly by Denver Water, but in a more broad scope by conservationists as a collective group, which offers both credibility and a likability to the ad that allows it to be taken seriously. It is known that credibility allows a message to be taken seriously. Even in blindly viewing the advertisement with no prior knowledge of the company itself, viewers can ascertain a certain sense of credibility from the ad itself. Denver Water provides high-quality water and service to the city of Denver and many surrounding suburbs, while promoting efficiency and conservation. It is in viewing the last portion of the aforementioned statement that takes the credibility of the ad to the next level. In terms of determining….....

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