Advertising Information Manipulation? Advertising Is an Important Essay

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Advertising Information Manipulation?

Advertising is an important part of commerce the world over. The scope and the reach of advertising have undergone vast changes from bill boards to internet advertising and marketing. Everything is being advertised these days. Does this create mere information that is neutral, or does this inform and also manipulate? For example, if an advertisement for soap is endorsed by a celebrity- is that type of advertisement manipulation especially if the celebrity does not use the product at all? Secondly what are the details and benefits of product information? These questions have to be looked into to answer if advertising is manipulation or mere information.

What is Advertising?

Advertising has been defined by many and the apt definition is that it is simply a method of selling a concept goods or ideas. Thus the major role of advertising is 'salespeak' which is defined as any message that concerns the transactions between persons.

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It is very persuasive and can be used to convince the target to purchase products and services. Thus among the things advertised are belief, religion, political candidates, attitudes, and lifestyles. It also is a medium of entertainment especially when advertisement sponsors some events like sport or music. (Fox, 2001, p. 87)

Advertising is an activity that affects a lot of people yet its effects have not been studied in full. From the point of business that spends huge sums on advertising the effect of the advertising that was done is measured in terms of variables like cost of advertising and increase in turnout, sales or other similar comparisons. The idea 'advertising always pays' is an old adage that is being countered now with the assertion that advertising does not amount to anything and is a….....

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"Advertising Information Manipulation Advertising Is An Important", 23 April 2011, Accessed.2 June. 2024,