Advocacy Veterans of the United Essay

Total Length: 551 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Most advocacy groups can help the families of veterans also understand their legal entitlements to support services.

Congressional representatives can occasionally come to the aid of their constituents who are veterans. Lawmakers listening to the concerns of their constituents can bring special cases to the attention of their fellow congressmen and women in Washington to help advocate on behalf of veterans and veterans affairs. Some congressional representatives may be willing to serve on special committees that advocate for veterans affairs in Washington.

Social workers have an obligation to learn about the large-scale organizations that serve the needs of veterans as well as smaller scale community organizations. Even social workers that do not specialize in veterans affairs should become familiar with the unique legal situation of their clients. For example, social workers should familiarize themselves with the specific medical, social, occupational, and psychiatric needs that veterans have, especially the veterans that live in their communities.
Ethnic, linguistic, gender and other diversity issues may impact quality and type of care. Social workers can also network within the community in order to provide veteran clients with the most effective and efficient referral services.

Advocacy may also involve establishing outreach and educational programs for clients who are veterans or their families. A community-oriented outreach center that serves the veteran community could offer literature and counseling as well as referral services. Family counseling services are also crucial in providing veterans with extensive social support systems. Social workers can also help veterans navigate through the channels of obtaining services. Finally, social workers can personally address local, state, and federal lawmakers about their concerns......

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