African Studies Is a Complex Research Proposal

Total Length: 1946 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Local governance in Africa: the challenges of democratic decentralization provides a great deal of insight into the manner in which individual nations in Africa have coped with a decentralized democratic structure. The purpose of the book was to examine under what conditions decentralization reforms in Africa evolve into effective local governance. The authors consistently explain the political structures of the local governments. In doing so the text illustrates the conditions that lead to successful decentralization efforts. The research presented is lucid and presents readers with a different perspective than other books and scholarly articles on this particular subject. The authors found that factors such as legitimate authority and adequate resources are conditions that are needed to ensure that decentralized democratization can occur.

In addition, the information presented in the text is essential for the continent of Africa, other nations that are undergoing similar changes and the international community as a whole.

Stuck Writing Your "African Studies Is a Complex" Research Proposal?

The detailed insight provided by the authors presents a real account of how local governments serve as the catalysts for political change and strengthen the entire nation. The authors are both optimistic and honest in the manner in which they evaluate the challenges that face Africa as it pertains to local governance and democratic decentralization. The information contained in the book can be utilized well into the future to assist in the development and building of strong and lasting decentralized democracies on the African continent and throughout the world. Overall, the authors fulfilled the purpose of determining under what conditions decentralization reforms in Africa evolve into effective local governance......

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