Al-Hussami, Mahmoud (2008). A Study Thesis

Total Length: 964 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

Page 1 of 3

2. The key question the author addresses is whether a change to administrative practices and leadership styles will promote retention of newly recruited nursing staff.

3. The author uses a literature review to bolster the main argument and support the conclusions.

4. The author concludes that effective leadership stems from higher education in nursing, and also that effective leadership is a crucial factor in increasing nursing staff retention.

5. Key concepts include staff retention and recruitment; leadership; and transformational leadership.

6. The author takes for granted the fact that nursing management is itself a product of organizational culture, and that the structure of health care organizations sometimes influences nursing administration.

7. a. If the author's line of reasoning is taken seriously, then health care administration and education both change.

7. b. If we fail to take the author's line of reasoning seriously, then the nursing shortage and related crises are likely to continue.

8. The main point of the article is that administrative practices, leadership styles in particular, impact recruitment and retention.

Part 2

1. The author does a reasonable job of presenting the core ideas of the text, and conveys the essential points well.

2. The author is accurate, and bases the argument on a review of prevailing literature.

3. The author does cite specific studies and the summaries of their findings, so the author is sufficiently precise.

4. The author does not introduce any irrelevant material and sticks to the point well.

5. The writing is not superficial. The author explains the nature of effective leadership.

6. The author does not delve into the reasons behind the current nursing crisis, which could lend insight into why administrators have suppressed progress or educational programs that promote transactional leadership.

7. The text does not include any contradictions; the points flow from paragraph to paragraph.

8. The subject is dealt with seriously, as the author explains why retaining new nursing staff is crucial for quality of care delivery.

9. The author does not take a one-sided or narrow approach. The ideas are presented objectively and factually and not in an opinionated way.

Kleinman, C.S. (2004). Transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Nursing Management 26(9).

1. The main purpose of this article is to explore the ways transformational and transactional leadership affects nursing staff retention and job satisfaction.

2. The key question the author has is what constitutes transformational and transactive leadership in a health care environment, and how those leadership styles can be used to improve job satisfaction and retention rates.

3. The most important information in the article is questionnaire results, which offer a quantitative assessment of the research problem.

4. The main inferences in the article is that transformational leadership is.....

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