Alaska and Its Politics the Essay

Total Length: 578 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The main values that are apparent in this article are those of political awareness and inclusion, and the importance not only of political understanding but also of action. The author does not raise a political call to arms by any stretch of the imagination, but his explanation of the daily political machinations we all experience, as well as the larger ramifications of political action in the case of Alaska, suggests that all social activity is inherently political, and thus that an understanding of this fact can be used to direct action in a way that one favors in a grander political sense. This can be a very empowering view for social workers both to obtain themselves and to share with clients, in dealing with personal and individual life issues as well as with larger political structure. understanding the ability to influence and the nature of power in a given society allows for greater self-direction and self-determination, and this is rarely a bad thing for any human individual.

Overall, this article was hugely informative about Alaska's political history and current situation, and due to the author's structure and larger perspective as introduced at the start of the article, was more broadly informative about the ways in which politics, power, and other related forces and concepts interact. Despite the immensity of the details provided, the article never became dry due to the cause-and-effect chain that could be clearly followed throughout the article. Though this was intentionally not a part of the author's scope, I found myself intensely curious as to what a similar application of political understanding applied to the United States' history would look like; this would certainly add much pertinent information......

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