Algebra Trigonometry 10 Research Paper

Total Length: 586 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Algebra -- Trig --

Writer's Note: The symbol "n" should really be referred to as "pi" or "?" To prevent confusion within the problem. Also, there is a difference between "squared" and "square root." The case in these problems is to use the square root, so "sqrt (number)." I've only managed the calculations because I have presumed the indicated changes.

Using the periodic properties of trigonometric functions, find the exact value of the expression


cos (8?/5) = cos (2? + (2?/5)) = cos (2?/5) = cos (72) = 0.31

cos (8?/5) = 0.31.

The point P. On the unit circle that corresponds to a real number t is:

{ 5-2 6 squared}

} Find csc (t)

P is on the unit circle, therefore the coordinates are (cos (t), sin (t)). This leads to the following calculations:

sin (t) = -2sqrt (6)/7, and csc (t) = 1/sin (t) = 1/(-2sqrt (6)/7) = 7/(-2sqrt (6)) = -7/2sqrt (6)

Answer: csc (t) = -7/2sqrt (6).

Use the reference to find the exact value of the expression



csc (4?/3) = csc (? + ?/3) -- csc (?/3) = -1/sin (?/3) = 1/sqrt (3/2) = -2/sqrt (3)

Answer: csc (4?/3) = -2/sqrt (3).

4. The point P. On the unit circle that corresponds to a real number t is:

{ 7 squared 3 }

{ - -, -- } Find the cot (t)

{ 4-4 }

P is on the unit circle, therefore coordinates are (cos (t), sin (t)). This leads to the following calculations:

cot (t) = cos (t)/sin (t) = x/y cos (t) = -sqrt (7)/4, sin (t) = -3/4

cot (t) = [-sqrt (7)/4] / (-3/4) = sqrt (7)/3

Answer: cot (t) = sqrt (7)/3.

5. What is the domain of the….....

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