Algeria to Zimbabwe, Africa Is Essay

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My personal favorite African cuisine is Ethiopian, because of the spongy teff bread injera. Injera is like an edible plate, and is piled with delectable morsels of tasty, well-spiced dishes that we eat with our hands. The cuisines of other African countries include flavorful stews replete with rich goat meat and root vegetables. South African foods have been influenced by European cuisines, with some regional variations. Root vegetables like cassava are among the most ubiquitous foods served throughout the African continent. South Africa also has a world-renowned wine region, which makes it a fun place to visit.

One of the main reasons to visit Africa is for its wildlife and stunning scenery. Many of the animals found on the African continent are not found anywhere else in the world including giraffes and zebras. Tourists tend to enjoy safaris in southern and eastern African nations like Kenya and Uganda. Madagascar has its own special ecosystem with unique animals like the lemur.
Victoria Falls between Zimbabwe and Zambia is one of the world's largest and most beautiful, and is contrasted sharply with the endless barren landscape of the Sahara desert. Western Africa has miles and miles of tropical beaches. The continent has mountains, beaches, sand dunes, and savannahs. Some of Africa is lush and fertile and other parts are dry and arid, but each part of the continent is gorgeous in its own way.

Africa is by far my favorite place in the world. I will continue to be drawn to Africa because of the continent has a rich and varied history, and incredible diversity of culture and religious traditions. The foods of Africa are tantalizing and much of it cannot be found anywhere outside of their regions. Africa's landscape and its flora and fauna are also special, like everything else about….....

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