Alice in Wonderland Wondering About Term Paper

Total Length: 877 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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While I always found these to be extremely entertaining, I never connected them to the politics of the time. I did catch some of the timeless joked, like Alice stating that in life, "one must either eat or be eaten." I was always quite entertained by the little "nuggets of wisdom" in this book, quotes by all kinds of animals and people. It requires concentrated consideration to really make sense of some of it, but it never feels like nonsense, but rather a witty way of poking fun at the utter nonsense of politics and social structures. You do not have to be British to get some of the timeless jokes, such as why the little Mad Hatter's group celebrates the un-birthday: there are more of them.

The illustrations of Carrol and his friend, Teniel, actually extend the symbolism of the story, especially regarding liberties taken with perspective and scale. Miller noted how Teniel's illustration actually increased the value of the work, that they were literature, often critical, of themselves. Once in a great while books are illustrated in the spirit of the original but it requires the extraordinary ability, in the artist, to create on the same plane as the author.

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The work then takes on a different and increased value, becomes, in fact, a new work of art. It is impossible to think of Alice in Wonderland except as Tenniel illustrated it."

Miller 220) always knew there was more to this book than a child's fantasy, because I could always hear Carrol's voice in the words. It seemed to hint at deeper meanings. In addition, Alice's life, as a Victorian female child destined to become a rather bored idle Victorian lady. Her adventures in Wonderland are in sharp contrast to the life afforded Victorian ladies. Many of the conversations seemed quite philosophical. However, I never realized they were political social criticism until I began to read the book. After studying these sources I believe it warrants a bit more research in order to fully understand this very delightful book.


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