Aluminum Element Origin and Use Research Paper

Total Length: 768 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Element Origin and Use

Everything we know about life comprises of basic chemical elements – from the chairs we seat on and the beads we sleep on, to the clothes we wear and the medicines we take, and more. While some chemical elements are rare, others occur in abundance. For this discussion, I will concern myself with Aluminum, one of the elements listed in the Periodic Table of Elements. Assigned atomic number 13, aluminum is denoted using symbol Al and is identified as a poor metal in According to Krebs (2006), it is not possible to naturally find aluminum in its pure form. This is more so the case given that in its pure metallic form, it is very reactive – most particularly with oxygen.

Aluminum, as the Royal Society of Chemistry - RSC (2017) points out, was discovered in 1825 by a chemist of Danish extract known as Hans Oersted. However, as the society further observes, it was known that aluminum oxide, as early as the 1700s, contained a metal. All endeavors to extract this metal, however, failed until Hans developed a never tried before method to extract the metal (albeit an impure form). The method involved heating aluminum chloride with potassium (RSI, 2017).

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The extraction of pure aluminum was eventually done by Friedrich Wohler, who according to RSC pulled this feat by heating aluminum chloride with sodium.

Aluminum extraction, according to Geoscience Australia (2017), is undertaken in three stages. These include the excavation of bauxite ore, recovering alumina from the ore via a refinery process, and producing aluminum by smelting alumina.

Amongst all the chemical elements found in the periodic table, Aluminum remains one of the most widely used – as an alloy or in its pure form. It also retains its utility in a number of other compounds. As a matter of fact, aluminum only comes second to iron in terms of widespread usage. Being a rather versatile metal, Krebs (2006) points out that aluminum is mostly used in construction. Due to it being lightweight, despite being rather strong, aluminum is used in aircraft construction. Steel, being too heavy would be an unlikely raw material to be extensively used in aircraft manufacture. It is for this same strong/lightweight combination that aluminum is used in motor vehicle design and manufacture. In an attempt to save on battery poser, electric motor vehicle manufacture companies….....

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