American Health Care Health Care Term Paper

Total Length: 1164 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Days earlier, Democratic Senator Pat Moynihan said pretty much the same on Meet the Press.

Yet the public continued to demand changes. The changes they eventually got are still to be seen, as to their level of effectiveness. Changes that many see as temporary and not far reaching enough, such as when any sort of national health care plan was squashed by the stakeholders, fearing loss of revenue and convincing the public of the potential loss of availability for lifesaving care and difficult decisions that would bar many from demanding it the system instead created such things as a highly complicated and entirely privatized Medicare D. drug benefit, more than ten years after the debate had begun. The collective agenda of the stakeholders, was first to defend the system as it stood, which was not allowed by the public or the media, and then to make small changes that kept the system intact and reacted to the defensive stances of the stakeholders, such as their continual need to press the point that the system is good because it is based on the capitalism that founded our nation. This is why the rather small strides that have been made, thus far are limited to programs that are privatized, with literally hundreds of insurers buying in to the program and being allowed to limit its usage and benefits, as thy always have.

Which group has been most successful in influencing this issue and why?

Probably the group that has been most successful in influencing this issue are those moderates who wish to demand system change only within the systems that currently drive the health care dollar.
The insurers and providers have been able to not only maintain a status quo but have also been able to keep growing prices and keep limiting services and availability.

With the debate still hot on the minds of the public and hotly defended by the politicians and the health care providers, as improving. Now more than ten years old the debate still rages, and only limited changes have really been made. In a sense the policy makers, adamantly apposed to public health care delivery systems, as well as delivery agents (large stake holding health care companies) and insurers are the winners, despite the fact that the U.S. public is still being underserved and overpaying for the services they are able to receive. Health care bankruptcy has become a common occurrence and yet the system is still failing many individuals and families and more and more people are losing coverage options daily. The winners are, those with the deepest pockets, the delivery giants and the health care insurance providers that wish to continue to profit, regardless of the public concerns, no matter how real they are and no matter how temporary or cumbersome the fixes offered are......

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