American Transportation Policy Robert Jay Essay

Total Length: 809 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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This is because it still has troubles recovering from the 9/11 events. It is almost as if the government is paranoid when it comes to air transport, feeling that it should not be supervised by the private sector. This is likely to continue for some years now, until the U.S. government will be willing to allow the private sector to take over. Matters are critical, and if the private sector will be given complete authority over air transport the U.S.'s influence is likely to descend even more (Dilger 72).

Question 3:

All across the twentieth century the U.S. has struggled to become independent when it came to the production of oil. Considering the Arab oil embargo in 1973, it seems natural for the U.S. To want to lessen its dependence on foreign oil. U.S. transportation can be severely affected if the country's oil suppliers lessen the amount of oil they provide to the U.S. Or simply refuse to supply it.

When it comes to reduction in oil supplies, transportation is not the only domain that is likely to become affected in the U.S., considering that domestic prosperity and national security are also threatened by this (Dilger 46).

Question 4:

The trucking industry is essential field when it comes to U.S.

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's economy, considering that much of the countries profits depend on transportation by truck. The fact that the trucking industry was deregulated in the early 1980s brought significant progress to the business, given that it was no longer limited by the government. Even though the American public has shown some reluctance in supporting their government's choice of deregulating the trucking industry, the exploit proved to be beneficial in the long run, as the U.S. has largely profited as a consequence. One of the key factors implemented by the deregulation was that truckers were no longer required to return to their point of origin with no load, as they were allowed to carry loads on their return journey, so as for profits to be maximized (Dilger 46).

The trucking industry was restricted by the U.S. government all across the twentieth century, until the 1980s. Considering that virtually every product Americans purchase is shipped by truck, it seems clear that every individual in the U.S. has benefited as a result of the trucking industry being deregulated (Dilger 46).


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