Amistad Story and History in Essay

Total Length: 319 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

The lawyers and advocates for the slaves recognize this early in the film, and it is a common theme throughout. This is also tied to the way in which the Amistad case led to the United States' Civil War. All moral objections to slavery aside, there were very real practical (both economic and political) concerns to ending slavery. This case further hurt the slave trade, promising increased economic issues for the South as their source of cheap labor disappeared.

Had the U.S. not been involved in the slave trade, the country would not have been as successful in its first century of existence. Though this is a terrible truth to admit, the economy of the South was dependent on slave labor, and it helped to drive the nation's wealth. The racial issues in this country would not exist, perhaps, had slavery never reached this continent, but the country itself might not be extant......

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