Amos: A Student With an Essay

Total Length: 764 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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His parents enrolled him in the church pre-school, hoping that the structured program and interaction with other children his age would be beneficial. The teacher, with just an associate's degree in early childhood education, was not prepared to work with a child with special needs. Amos, who was completely non-verbal, was often frustrated when no one understood him. His parents and siblings had automatically made accommodations for him, but the other three-year-olds could not, nor could the teacher. When Amos got frustrated, he would scream, hit the teacher or other students, and even kick and bite if someone tried to restrain him. The church told Amos's parents that he could not stay, and they agreed, although they were disappointed and frustrated.

At home, Amos's family does not know what to do with him; his behavior is increasingly challenging. He frequently has tantrums and seems very frustrated. He has gained a great deal of weight because he demands snacks and his parents gave in, rather than listen to him scream.


When Amos came to kindergarten, he was essentially non-verbal. He can usually say his name if asked and can answer yes or no to direct questions such as "Do you want juice?" He does not want to sit in a chair, preferring to sit on the floor.
Loud noises and changes in routine are very upsetting and can result in a temper tantrum. Amos will become oppositional and may hit, kick, or scream. Often these tantrums will set the tone for the rest of the day.

Before anything else, Amos will need intensive speech therapy. Once he can begin to express himself, teachers and peers will be better able to determine his other learning needs. As Dyal, Carpenter and Wright (2009) point out, there are a variety of devices available; schools must ensure they choose those that best fit the students. Amos will very likely feel less frustrated when he can communicate, which should help resolve the problem of temper tantrums that get in the way of his learning.


Dyal, A., Carpenter, L.B., & Wright, J.V. (2009). Assistive technology: what every school leader should know. BNET: CBS Business Network. Retrieved from

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