Analyzing the Data Analysis Essay

Total Length: 743 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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recordings, what would you define as the unit for analysis? Why? How many data units (in rough estimates) are you likely to get based on this decision? Does the estimated number of data units seem adequate? Why or why not?

Through the analysis of the recordings, I would define communication as the measure for analysis. The reason being, efficacious doctor communication is vital to constructive doctor-patient relationships and proposes better health results. In addition, doctor communication is deemed the strongest and most reliable forecaster of patient assessments and evaluations of doctors (Quigley et al., 2014). Proper communication skills, together with deliberation and requisite time to effectively listen and offer apparent and clear explanations are some of the characteristics that patients expect for, the most, in physicians. As a result, the reports of doctor communication from patients are deemed to be the consistent and assertive predictor of general doctor assessments for specialists as well as physicians that provide primary care (Quigley et al. 447). The communication measures evaluate how frequent the physician is able to explain medical aspects, listen carefully to the patient, hands easy to understand instructions to patients, shows respect, and lastly spends sufficient amount of time (Quigley et al., 448). In addition, it is much easier for the researcher to observe such aspects of communication from the obtained video recordings of the physician-patient interactions.
Centered on this decision, there is a likelihood of getting twenty-five data units. However, this estimated number of data units does not seem to be an adequate measure of physician's effectiveness. The main reason is that the qualitative sample is not sufficiently large enough to make certain that the research obtains a majority or all of the insights that may be significant. In this particular case, it is imperative to note that the consumers might have varying perspectives of the physicians and therefore provide different ratings. As such, having a small sample size implies that there is greater likelihood of attaining narrow range and scope of the insights.

Assume that you reviewed the literature on physician communication skills as a major component of patient satisfaction. Based on this idea, what might be some of the initial codes that you could use to label the data units? How would you justify this set of codes in your research report?

In assembling performance indicators to apprise patients' choices of care providers, it would be….....

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