Analyzing Quality Control in Healthcare Case Study

Total Length: 630 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Quality Control in Healthcare

Quality control essentially represents a means to develop a procedure for contemporary organizations to tackle the multifaceted challenges they come across in this era. Its basis is that, in the health/healthcare sector, quality improvement, in truth, deals with process management (Haughom, 2016).

Use of Performance Improvement Tools

Inappropriate care delivery practices by newly recruited physicians are one problem plaguing a small hospital in a rural village to Riyadh's north. Such malpractices include: failure to undertake proper diagnostic studies, failure to employ standard acceptable treatment and unnecessary surgery. Such behavior is problematic, particularly among the hospital's clinical practitioners. I hold the post of quality director, and have concisely explained the method employed for ascertaining the cause underlying these issues and potential solutions, in the paragraphs that follow.

Firstly, one needs to understand that in such cases, tools for performance improvement prove highly valuable and crucial. A number of analytic instruments were utilized for the purpose of identifying what was causing undesirable performance in these physicians; this would facilitate planning for solutions.

Tools for performance improvement may be segregated into two categories; Quantitative and Qualitative. The former are employed in collecting and displaying data, as well as measuring and monitoring performance.

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Meanwhile the latter helps generate ideas, establish priorities, retain direction, clarify processes and ascertain causes of issues.

I employed the method of structured brainstorming for ascertaining causes and effects of personnel's poor performance. In this process, I had to construct a cause-effect diagram as well, where I provided an option to indicate the effect's nature -- whether negative or positive. Subsequently, the factors which contributed to physicians' poor performance were to be indicated. Following completion of this diagram, I collected more information from hospital officers and clinical practitioners for identifying which supposed causes were actually at the root of the issue. Prior to coming up with any solution, I had to verify the causes I had isolated, by digging a little deeper and successively asking why and what, till I had considered every contributing factor.

Analysis of Case Scenario 1

The information collected revealed some particular key issues, which were clearly factors underlying the hospital's problems with its newly recruited physicians. Several clinical practitioners believed issues existed in the following three areas: Organization, Training, and Communication.

Organizational relationships existing between senior management and hospital stakeholders were reported to be poor. Previously, a management and stakeholder meeting had….....

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