Analyzing and Responding to Questions Essay

Total Length: 1261 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Toyota Production Systems are very much in tune with the cultural norms in U.S. society and what aspects are not?

There are a number of aspects at the Toyota Production Systems that are significantly in line with the cultural norms in the United States society. One of the aspects of TPS is process. In particular, process orientation is a vital aspect to the success of Toyota. In accordance to TPS, one ought to focus on the process and the results will follow. This goes in line with the American culture. This is largely for the reason that their culture is very much results oriented in the sense that they do whatever they deem necessary in order to attain the result. The objective is set on the completion or realization of results. However, in the same aspect, it does in fact differ or go against the cultural norms of the United States. This is refining the value processes that will instigate the correct outcomes. These objectives consist of the curtailing of waste which is referred to as muda, not overstraining persons or the apparatus which is referred to as muri, and not generating irregular production levels, which is referred to as mura. One resemblance to this is more espousal of the tortoise and less the hare. Basically, this implies the creation of a procedure of high quality that is unhurried yet constantly moving, instead of having one that is of high quantity that is speedy but with several halts (Mariano, 2009).

Another aspect of TPS is partners and people. A key element of Toyota's success is how it lays emphasis on people. The company endeavors to employ human innovation in its business operations. The difference can be perceived when comparing this with cultures in America. In the Western culture, frontline personnel do not make the frontline decisions but are rather undertaken by a person who is ranked high up in the organization or enterprise.
In particular, that sense of empowerment is no longer to be found and that feeling of decision is absent. With Toyota, frontline personal contribution is valued and incessantly sought. Another aspect in tune to Toyota's success is problem solving. Toyota's incremental and iterative improvement methodology goes against the American culture, which follows the approach of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." In addition, problem solving incorporates and takes into account not just ascertaining the problems, but incessantly being on the lookout for the root cause (Mariano, 2009).

Discuss why Lucy and Ethel's work is undesirable from the following viewpoints: You will have to imagine that there are other departments at the Chocolate factory and they have their own functions

a) System

The system is also not ideal and undesirable. One particular aspect of undesirability is the fact that delivery is not done through one request at a time but rather continuously. Therefore, the supply of the chocolates surpasses the demand requested. Therefore, this causes ineffectiveness and also taking into consideration the prospect of other departments implies that the system environment is not safe. The output had a number of defects.

b) Pathways

The pathway for every product and service must be simple and direct. One of the flaws that instigates undesirable work by Ethel and Lucy is lack of spotting the flaws and blunders in the process. In addition, another problem is the lack of a specified path and also the fact that both of these personnel are not fully proficient in their works.

c) Connections

Every connection must be standardized and correct. In this viewpoint, it can be perceived that Lucy and….....

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