Andres De Santa Cruz Had a Lot Essay

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Andres de Santa Cruz had a lot of importance in politics, and contributed greatly to the Peru-Bolivia Confederation. He grew up in the aftermath of an indigenous rebellion, which prepared him for the political role he would play (Perea 2011). He made his mark in Peru and Bolivia, but what he accomplished is often overlooked throughout various books on the history of the area. As the Spanish Empire unraveled, Santa Cruz was able to become instrumental in ensuring freedom and growth for a region struggling with where it had been and where it was going in the future (Perea 2011). He wanted to see union between Bolivia and Peru, which he was able to get for a time in the Peru-Bolivia Confederation (Perea 2011). Even though it was only present from 1836 to 1839, it has a time that has been marked in history. Santa Cruz considered Peru to be his homeland, but he ended up being considered a foreigner in that land. He struggled with that, because it is very difficult to be told one does not belong to an area in which one feels at home.

Despite the trials he faced, Santa Cruz persevered and continued working for the things in which he believed (Perea 2011). He was deeply committed to the military and first went to war when he was only 17. He wanted to keep the provinces around Lake Titicaca united, and that was one of the main foci of his career, because he believed that the linkages between the two areas were too strong to allow them to become separate from one another.
In 1830, Santa Cruz changed sides and began fighting with those who were committed to independence from Spain (Perea 2011). However, even during that time he wanted to see the provinces near Lake Titicaca stay together as one. He created a national army and transferred a great deal of intelligence and experience from the colonial army to Peru's first army. He also became more aware of the rhetoric he needed to use and the way he needed to operate in order to work for freedom more effectively.

Because he was not in a position of command, it can be hard to determine how much of the rhetoric Santa Cruz really subscribed to, and how much of it was used just because he needed and wanted to move forward with freedom from Spain (Perea 2011). He saw successful government as something that would have complete control and that would dominate the armed forces (Perea 2011). His goal was for the Confederation of Peru and Bolivia, and he wanted to see that work out in the long-term. It did not, but that does not negate what Santa Cruz was trying to do or the value he has in history. He was considered to be a caudillo, which is a word meaning leader. However, the word is used loosely and could also sometimes apply to viceroys or military members. There were also negative connotations that were associated with the use of the word, depending on the context and the person who was being discussed (Perea 2011).….....

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