Anthropology and Race Concept It Term Paper

Total Length: 434 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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It would be easy to assume, then, that biologists are making a mistake by rejecting the race concept because that rejection would force them to also ignore such biological variation. However, this assumption would be false. Most intelligent anthropologists are not rejecting the idea of biological variation or a geographical/genetic component to that variation. On the contrary, they reject the idea of "race" specifically because it is not flexible enough to accurately model the full range of biological variation and therefore lumps all geographic/genetic variable populations together based on a small subset of their traits.

The race concept would lump together, for example, both the small and slightly darker Mediterranean body build with the robust, blond Nordic body build as both "White" while assuming that all the wide variety of genetic, facial, and morphological differences in Africa rendered a single "Black" race. The critical anthropologists would have to reject such a crude racial conception for a more finely tuned analysis of human variability based on specific hereditary groups and regional morphological differences.
Thus the reader may clearly see that by rejecting the race concept, a reactionist might be ignoring obvious human biological variation, but a critical thinker would actually be clearing the way for a more accurate set of observations......

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