Anthropology Sociology and Kinship in Society

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Biology is not destiny, either in terms of gender status or in terms of reproductive roles. Although female bodies carry the unique equipment for gestation and birth, their bodies do not and should not determine their destinies as human beings. The belief that biology is destiny has been used systematically to create and maintain patriarchal societies. Moreover, the belief that biology is destiny has been used to create and maintain strict gender norms, roles, divisions of labor, and social stratification. Just because a woman can bear children does not mean that she must or should. Likewise, just because a woman can bear children does not mean that the ensuing duties and responsibilities associated with childcare and child rearing are hears alone to bear. As Stone (2014) points out, scholars critique the “biology is destiny” approach because it is too often and too easily used to justify gender roles, norms, and hierarchies. In fact, biology does not even determine gender identity at all, let alone gender roles, norms, and status. Gender is socially constructed, and biology is used as illogical grounds for the rigid alignment of gender with biology.


Stone, L. (2014).

Stuck Writing Your "Anthropology Sociology and Kinship in Society" ?

Kinship and Gender An Introduction Fifth Edition. Westview Press.

Discussion 1 Response to Nicole Montanino

I believe biology is just biology, and that individuals determine their own destinies. Not all people born female want to or will bear children; some by choice and others because their reproductive system does not work as planned. We have been taught that biology is destiny, and that gender binaries are real. Gender is socially constructed. Believing that biology is destiny is dangerous, because it suggests that all people born with female parts need to act in ways that conform to female social roles, norms, and customs. Likewise, believing biology is destiny would constrain men to the roles established for them in the society. The belief that biology is destiny is even used to justify homophobia. Therefore, I strongly believe that the belief in biology as destiny is problematic. The biological differences between men and women are essentially meaningless, just as the biological differences between people of different races are meaningless. Social status, identity and personal “destiny” should never be restricted by the way our body looks to other people.

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