Anthropology Is Used to Study Discussion Chapter

Total Length: 484 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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She provides a thorough account concerning how Buddhism is one of the religions that came to have a strong influence on people's understanding of their culture. Thailand is a location where Buddhism is an active part of people's lives and this means that religion can actually be considered an important tool for ethnographers wanting to find out more about the country's culture.

2. Victor Turner provides a complex account regarding how rituals are important when considering religion as a whole and about how particular rites are actually He relates to how social life needs social dramas where people are provided with the opportunity to introduce luminal experiences into their lives. The masses generally need to contain individuals who put across anti-social behavior and to actually encourage these people in doing so by promoting eccentric behaviors.

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Michael Atwood Mason focuses on having people understand more concerning the role of the body in Cuban American Santeria initiation. Individuals actually experience intense feelings when they go through this ritual and they connect with their religious values when performing it.

Mason has a better understanding of the importance of initiation when considering religion. Turner has a tendency to relate to initiation rites as being simple concepts in comparison to other practices regarding religion. Mason adopts a more personalized attitude and makes it possible for his readers to gain a better understanding of the process of initiation in parallel….....

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