Architecture History Term Paper

Total Length: 691 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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John Ruskin/s beliefs in a the Seven Lamps of Architecture. The author of this paper presents a general overview of the book and then narrows the paper's focus to include Ruskin's claim that free people can only create good architecture.


The world today is a very complicated place. We are constantly evolving in our societal expectations and acceptance of events. Many times, we realize after the fact that something we did or condoned had a domino effect on the world. Such was the case of architecture, according to author John Ruskin. In his book The Seven Lamps of Architecture Ruskin expounds on his belief that the only truly good architecture is made by people who are free (Ruskin, 1990). This is a true statement if it is taken in the context of design and not actual implementation of that design.

Before we can argue for or against the Ruskin idea, we first must remember that he wrote his book in the mid-1800's. This was a time in which the world watched America fight over the issue of slavery.
It was also an exciting time archeologically, when people were gaining a renewed interest in the great world pyramids and their origin. When Ruskin took on the topic of architecture, he did so from an artist's point-of-view. He was an artist at heart, and one who studied the motivation behind the work of worldwide artists. Ruskin believed that only a free man was able to create solid and beautiful architecture. He was one who felt that a spirit and heart must be free of bondage for the purpose of crating beauty. This need to have a free spirit to become creative crossed over into the world of architecture according to Ruskin (Ruskin, 1990). While he alluded to the many buildings in the world, he refused to call them all architecturally created. According to the well-known art theorist buildings without certain elements of beauty were simply buildings. Those that touched the heart of all who viewed it were art….....

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