Architecture of the Mind Sight Essay

Total Length: 1572 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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We are much less active in our perception of smell, touch, sound, and taste. The other four senses are spontaneous and static, whereas the sense of sight is controllable and dynamic. For example, we cannot control our experience of a scent by focusing our noses, we can only control it by terminating the experience completely, e.g. covering our noses or moving out of the scent's range. Sound also has a way of just happening to you, you have no control over how sound reaches your ear except by terminating contact with it by covering your ears or insulating your rooms to obstruct the sound.

Conclusion Sight is currently the dominant source of knowledge in creating our model of reality.
As we become more interested in distant and unfamiliar things that we cannot hear, smell, feel, or taste, sight is plays a larger and larger role in constructing our model of reality. As a result, we are becoming less grounded in the reality that is most important to our survival, the reality that we actually make material contact with. This is the only reality that can be tasted to prevent starvation, felt to keep us warm, and smelt to alert us to toxicity. We neglect these senses at our own peril......

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