Aristotle, Utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant Aristotle, Questionnaire

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Engagements in actions that are thought to be virtuous make one to be virtuous. On the other hand, immorality arises when a person has filed to live up to the requirements of the good habits and actions expected of him or her. Deontologists take positive actions as the posterior characteristics. Utilitarian theory claims that the product of an act determines whether it is a virtue or vice. If the product of an act produces happiness to a greater population, then it is virtuous. On the other hand, if the action yields happiness to a small number of people, then it does not qualify to be called a virtue; it is a vice.

Why John Stuart Mill ethical theory of utilitarianism is hedonistic

Utilitarian theory is hedonistic because Mill inserts the facets of quantitative and qualitative approaches that exemplify the aspect of moral dilemma within the theory. According to utilitarianism, the product of an act determines whether it can be taken as a virtue or not. However, the act happens before the result. This means that the event is thought to have happened with its positive or negative effects before it is determined whether it is a virtue or a vice. The theory is hedonistic because it fails to consider the effects before getting the result of the act. It does not consider the consequences that happen because of the act being exemplified.

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For instance, if the product of an act is not pleasing to any individual, it will be termed as a vice even though it has had its effects destructive upon the involved parties.

Emmanuel Kant position on the concept of happiness when determining morality, and the value that establishes the moral form from the immoral ethical system

According to Emmanuel Kant, happiness might not be a full dictate of happiness. Happiness results from the human intention to be happy. Virtues bring about happiness as done vices. Therefore, happiness does not justify if one is virtuous or not. Morality is established by a continued issuance and embrace of ethics within a domain. On the contrary, vices lead to what is called immorality in the society. Moral forms are virtuous in nature. Nothing can be considered moral if it does not have the basics of virtuous......

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