Arnold Palmer Case Study the Arnold Palmer Essay

Total Length: 801 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Arnold Palmer Case Study

The Arnold Palmer Hospital is 1 158-bed paediatric hospital located in Orlando, Florida; part of the Arnold Palmer Medical Foundation and rated as one of the nation's Top paediatric hospitals by U.S. News and World Report. It is the only hospital in all of central Florida with an emergency/trauma center dedicated specifically to paediatric patients. It opened in 1989, and in 2006 became a children's hospital focused solely on speciality and subspecialty healthcare for children


Check In

Baby Born in route or birth immanent

Taken directly to bed, registered there, move to 8th for to labor and delivery, if no complications move to step 6.

Baby not yet born

Mother is either pregistered or goes to office on Floor


Mother taken to 8th floor (Labor and Delivery Triage); may move to L&D on floor 2 or go to step

Not ready to deliver

Either sent home or asked to walk around grounds to encourage contractions; then resent to Triage


If no complications, 2 hours later M/B xfer to floors 3,4 or 5 to MB unit for 40-44 hours


Operating Room or ICU; when stable to MB unit; baby may go to either


When ready, both may be discharged or transferred; baby may stay if complications arise

(Hospital Web Site, 2011).

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Flow Chart Analysis- The hospital consistently uses a flow chart tool to examine and re-examine ways to improve processes. The current process is below:

2. C-Section Birth- See Orange Above -- basic process remains the same, C-Section requires surgery, so once mother is registered, she and baby are moved into surgical area where, with no complications, finishes out normally; with complications, may go the additional surgery or ICU route. Depending on issue, patient and mother proceed normally through chart and either discharge or additional time in ICU for baby.

3. If all mothers were electronically or pre-registered prior to coming to the hospital, the items in red would be redundant and unnecessary and the patient could skip several steps and move right to either the floor or triage:

4. Flow chart analyzation is a helpful and powerful tool to help find redundancies and ways to improve speed and processes. Bar coding the patient through a process could also find issues. There are also a number of other techniques that might be useful for the hospital:

Time and motion studies (Frederick Taylor,….....

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