Art Long Ear Ash Head Term Paper

Total Length: 384 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Some people say the head is a self-portrait of the artist, while other say it is portrait of Buddha, and it is made from ash of Buddhist temples, so maybe this is the truth. It is very big, and seems to represent someone larger-than-life, so it seems it would be Buddha the artist had in mind when creating it, and perhaps that is why it seems wise and very old, too.

For me, this big head represents history and wisdom. It is not beautiful, but history is not beautiful, either. It seems old, which represents history, and it is made with simple items that have existed in history for a long time. It is also very awe-inspiring because of its size, and history inspires awe, too. It is modern in design, but it represents a very traditional historical figure who was very respected and wise, and so, it is a blend of a modern look with historic values.
It is an interesting piece, and it made me think about how we represent history, and how it does not always have to be traditional, but can be….....

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