Art Now Series Deals With Thesis

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Although these three artists come from different backgrounds and focus on creating works of art that address particular publics, they provide an overall contribution to students' experience while in the Art Now course.

Espezel's discussion regarding art extended to the relationship between a series of elements that the artist disposes of at the moment when he or she creates. An individual needs to focus on successfully combining his or her experience, the materials that he or she uses, and innovative concepts that he or she is interested in expressing through his or her artwork. She speaks about how it is important for the individual to focus on his or her background and on his or her personal experiences in creating art that is as unique and as intriguing as possible.

Faye HeavyShield's is probable to have influenced her overall style and her position in regard to art. Even with that, the fact that she considers minimalism important makes it possible for students to understand that complexity is, in some cases, the result of simple ideas.
She advises audiences to concentrate on their past, their present, and their imagination as they try to understand or produce art. Consequent to listening to her presentation, one is inspired in getting actively engaged in the process of creating art through becoming one with his or her ideas and with the resources that he or she wants to use. From this artist's point-of-view, art can be fabricating through using one's personal convictions and through also expressing focus in new concepts, as conceptual art can be particularly important in shaping an individual's personality in accordance with what he or she want from art and from life as a whole......

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