Articles Discussing the Parens Patriae Essay

Total Length: 1527 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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However, both articles show, despite the criminal justice system's best effort, that is often not the case. Juveniles often return to the court system repeatedly, and when they do, they are often tried as adults, which only seems to add to the problem. It is not that the court systems are ineffective (although in some cases it seems that they are), it is that they are still trying to develop ways to deal with juvenile offenders, and many of the methods they are trying do not seem to be effective in keeping kids out of criminal activities.

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While the first article seems to be more positive in the results it talks about, the second article has an important point to make about rehabilitation. The people that are most affected by it, the offenders, say it works, and it seems to work much more effectively than being tried as an adult. Criminal justice professionals should learn from these situations, and create more programs that stress accountability and rehabilitation......

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