Artist Peter Paul Rubens the Essay

Total Length: 379 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Rubens's personal contribution to the over 2,000 works produced by this studio varied considerably from work to work" (Pioch 2002). The studio acted as a kind of de facto academy for many young artists who served as Reuben's assistants, including Anthony van Dyck.

Rubens has been called, in contrast to the inward-looking Dutch depicters of scenes of private, interior life, a 'public' painter, a status underlined by his equally impressive career as a negotiator and diplomat for his royal patrons, Archduke Ferdinand and Archduchess Isabella, during the war between the Spanish Netherlands and the Dutch Republic.
"A devout Roman Catholic, he imbued his many religious paintings with the emotional tenor of the Counter-Reformation. This aggressively religious stance, along with his deep involvement in public affairs, lent Rubens's work a conservative and public cast that contrasts sharply with the more private and secular paintings of his great Dutch contemporary, Rembrandt' (Pioch 2002).


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