Asperger's Syndrome in 2001, Henderson Essay

Total Length: 575 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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(Henderson, 2001)

Toth & King (2008) explain that within the past two decades, a growing body of research has attempted to address the diagnostic and phenotypic ambiguity between AS and high-functioning autism. Some authors believe that the neuropsychological and behavioral profiles of AS and high-functioning autism differ, while others have argued that there is little empirical evidence for a distinction between these two disorders. Researchers conducted a comprehensive study that examined differences based on external criteria (cognitive / intellectual profiles, executive function, language, current symptoms, early history, and course of illness) as opposed to criteria involving the definition of the two syndromes. They found few group differences in current symptom presentation and cognitive function but many differences in early history.

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Individuals with AS outperformed those with high-functioning autism on the comprehension subtest of the WISC-III and in expressive language ability, but there were no differences on measures of executive function (flexibility and planning); individuals with AS also had better imaginative and creative abilities and more circumscribed interests, whereas those with high-functioning autism showed a greater insistence on sameness. Early history variables were best able to differentiate the two disorders. Compared with children with AS, those with high-functioning autism were more impaired in early language development and behavior over the preschool period, had more severe lifetime symptoms, and had a greater need for specialized education services; showing that little difference exists, in relation to cognition and AS......

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