How to Assess the Learning Through Physical Activities Term Paper

Total Length: 379 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

Student Learning Through Physical Activities

Interval training/workout

Learning objectives assessment methods

In order to understand how the lesson will impact the lives of the students, it is significant to first define the expected outcomes from the students then later measure if the implemented service or lesson was effective (University of Oregon, 2010). Since my lesson was to involve physical activities and instructions, I divided the objectives into two categories; language objectives and active participation objectives. This break down would help me be exhaustive and thorough as possible.

By the end of the lesson, the students would be in a position to clearly explain the meaning of interval workout.

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The students would also be able to practically show and participate in the various challenges that would exemplify what interval workout means. For the exceptional students in the physical activities, they would try to make the time lapse for the low intensity activities shorter and see if they could still cope with the new levels of stress. This would make the lesson more interesting and challenging in the next stage.….....

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