Assessment and Evaluation of Diabetes 2 Patients Self Management Program Essay

Total Length: 1008 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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persons diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (Cadzow, Vest, Craig M., Rowe, & Kahn, 2014). The medical practitioners have made efforts to improve clinical treatments for patient's life with a lot being left to chance. Recently, it has been seen that patient self-management program complement the clinical treatment. Thus, patient's self-management program has a significant role to play towards the management of diabetes (Saxe-Custack & Weatherspoon, 2013). This paper presents measures of implementing a self-management plan for Diabetic patients. The plan intends to apply articulated measures of managing Type 2 Diabetes and improving the quality of life for patients (Gamboa Moreno et al., 2013).

For the purposes of arriving implementing and assessing the effectiveness of the program the subjects selected will be gathered in a training forum. The forum will undertake the task to inform the subjects the prevailing measures of care on Type 2 Diabetes and the target for the current program. The potential respondents will be selected from the existing hospital medical database indicating the treatments pursued and the patient chart in response to treatment and medication. In order to initiate the program, the selected subjects will be advised to fill out a consent form that expresses their will to participate in the program. The consent form will also give authority to the program implementer authority to access medical information on the patients for use in determining response to proposed measures.

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The proposed program will take a total two (2) years to implement where the respondents will be encouraged to participate in half yearly evaluation of their diabetes Biofactors. At the start of the project, the diabetes factor for each respondent will be recorded this forming the base and subsequent records being assessed against the base period records.

In order to implement the project, there is a need for a qualified physician, laboratory specialist and clinical nurses who will serve as a resource person to the project in medical aspects. The physician, laboratory specialist and the clinical nurses will facilitate the collection of medical bio data, recording and analyzing it for the program. The Nurses will further be engaged in gathering other information concerning the quality of life and the patient's follow-up in the program. The physician will be engaged in the delivery of training to the patients on Diabetes self-management program. For purposes of this training, the program will provide the participants with self-management pamphlets detailing ideal measures for executing the treatment program. In order to undertake the requisite tests, a laboratory with test kits for Diabetes Bio Vitals will be needed. The program also needs a training room that will serve as the resource center where information of self-management care will be dispersed to the participants.

To monitor the program's implementation questionnaires and interview schedules'….....

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