Athlete Relationship Critically Evaluate the Use of Essay

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Athlete Relationship

Critically evaluate the use of questionnaires to research the coach-athlete relationship

In this paper, we aim to present arguments for and against the use of questionnaires to conduct research on the overall relationship that exists between an athlete and his/her coach. The paper starts off by explaining some of the inconsistencies that have existed in studies using questionnaires to study the same phenomenon; the paper then moves towards explaining the basics of what a questionnaire is meant to measure and how. The paper then moves on to making 3 arguments and counter arguments for the use of questionnaires in research that is pertaining to studying the relationship between an athlete and a coach.

Past use of questionnaires

Being an expert or a novice doesn't make a difference when it comes to reading journal articles pertaining to the relationship between coach and athlete. This is so since it isn't easy deciphering what researchers are saying. The reason behind this is that research is complex and uses jargon which is alien to most people. Apart from that, it could be because research takes in different philosophical ideas in consideration (Anon., 2013).

Furthermore, upon analysing a long span of 38 years worth of research, we see over 500 questionnaires employed in differnet educational studies to assess the rate of return, kinds of responses required, techniques for increasing returns, validity, reliability and respondent information's source (i. e. aspects of fact, opinion, memory). However, practitioners and analysts observed that these reports removed a large chunk of important information, for instance length and amount of returns of questionnaires. The authenticity and reliance of these questionnaires hence are very low; And their results can't be taken in consideration. Hence, better statistical technique is required to assess validity and reliability of the future researches that are conducted using questionnaires to assess the relationship between an athlete and coach (Potter, et al., 1972).

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What a questionnaire measures

The researchers typically make use of questionnaires to assess emotion, attitudes, knowledge, cognition, intention and behavior. This method is of great importance as it uses self-observed observations of a person and is employed in assessing perceptions. A typical structuring of the questionnaire requires that the questions are lined up And presented to the respondent, orally or in written form, and the respondent has to answer in a series or quick succession. The responses from the participants are then accumulated and analyzed later. This data collection method is useful since questionnaires are a fast way of accumulating information and quick to complete whilst being economical (Bowling 1997).

However, this method of data collection has its criticism as well. It basically assumes that responder and researcher have a level of understanding about statement and language. Also, closed questions are used frequently which constrict participant involvement (Bowling 1997), hence the quality of data can turn out to be quite average. Hence, close - ended questionnaires aren't preferred sometimes since they work with the least amount of information about the respondent and the topic. Instead, qualitative questionnaire methods (e.g. open ended questions) should be used in future studies focusing on the relationship between an athlete and coach (Rattray & Jones, 2005).

Argument #1: room for misinterpretation

Some researchers assert that the questionnaires are developed in a standard manner hence there is room for error as responders might misinterpret too (Milne, n.d.). With this standardized set of questions, assessing a relationship is very constricted and leaves room for explanation. The options thus presented in….....

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