Atlanta High Rise Office Fire Essay

Total Length: 824 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The occupants might have suffered panic yet most of them were able to think properly and they made three groups. Yet, one of the female occupants was so terrified that she jumped of the sixth floor and was seriously injured but she survived. (Jennings, 1989)

After proper technical investigation, the following points were enumerated as the lessons to be learnt by the accidental fire at the Peachtree 25th Building:

Automatic sprinklers are necessary for high rise buildings. Although experts says that even the automatic water sprinklers might have failed to prevent or restrict the severity of the fire, yet they also suggest that automatic sprinklers might have helped the fire fighters to fight against the extreme high temperatures and it would have also helped the occupants to evacuate the building with much more ease.

Evacuating high rise buildings during emergency often takes more time than evacuating drills in similar conditions. It was noticed that evacuation from the Peachtree 25th building took about one and half minute more than the time taken to evacuate drills.

In many cases, the occupants of the floor of a high rise building which is suffering accidental fire may fail to use fire alarms.
An occupant of the seventh floor actually activated the fire alarm.

Fire services should provide proper attention for the fire alarms coming from high risk buildings. A reduced fire fighting facility was sent to the building after the first automatic fire alarm, although after several calls, the fire services provided full-fledged services and support to fight against the emergency.

Fire drills are practical and they should be implemented in all high rise buildings as they provide an extra safety for the occupants during such emergencies.

Proper fire restrictive construction should be used to keep the exit doors separated from the hazardous part of a building.

The structure of high rise buildings is such that if one exit is contaminated, it makes many other exits also unusable during a fire accident.

Breaking the windows can help the occupants of a high rise building floor suffering accidental fire.

The ladders used by fire fighters and fire department may not prove safe enough to be used during a fire accident at a high rise building. (Jennings, 1989).....

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