Attachment to Items Essay

Total Length: 994 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Marking Class Of Consumer Behavior

One of my most cherished possessions is a fountain pen that I inherited from my grandfather. My grandfather had this fountain pen even when he was a child and he even used it when he was fighting in world war two and writing letters back home. It is a sturdy silver fountain pen and it still writes exceedingly well. One just needs to be careful about how one holds it and keeping the filter fresh. One of the sensory elements of the possession is that it has ridges on the edge that my grandfather said it got when he would drop it while he was flying in an airplane during the war: the plane was outfitted with a particular type of metal which would make it scratch the softer metal of the pen very easily.

The pen changes my mood in that I feel more focused when I hold it in my hand. I also strongly feel the presence of my grandfather when I hold it in my hand, and that is something which is extremely comforting to me. When I have it on me, or when I'm writing with it, I generally become more aware of the words that I use and how my words impact other people. When I'm in shopping malls and comparable places, and I have the pen on me, I'm generally more aware of how well made or poorly made an object is. This pen is so sturdy, it's been in my family for years and is something that I deeply value and which is incredibly important to me. Moreover, to me it's a demonstration of the inherent better quality and workmanship of items made decades ago. The pen was made in the 1920s and was given to my father when he was born, as a gift that he was intended to "grow into" and so that he would have it all his life.
No one in the family expected that we would be passing it down from generation to generation.

One of my most striking memories that this item possesses is the day that my grandfather gave it to me. He was slowly dying and he felt that the end was near, so he asked to speak to me alone in his hospital room. He handed me the pen with shaking hands and explained that when he was just a little older than me, he used that pen when he was off at war. He told me that he was never quite sure if he would make it back from the war, and he was delighted that he could pass the pen along to a grandchild.

It seems as though there is more and more interest in vintage pens as time goes on. I was reading an article about a business owner in Los Angeles who restores vintage pens. As the owner explains, "Maybe they'll accidentally drop it and get the pen point or the nib….....

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