Audience Analysis on Feasibility of Developing an Intranet Term Paper

Total Length: 418 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Audience Analysis: The Feasibility of Developing a Company Intranet

Unlike the 'Internet' an intranet is a hub of the larger World Wide Web, involving a connection of local rather than national and international sources and people. This project would involve the creation of a corporate, in-house intranet, involving sharing of data, files, and emails between management staffers. Intranets are also not usually accessible by a large network of people. Because the project would involve the creation of an in-house corporate intranet for management alone, it would enable the members of the company to communicate more efficiently, but with greater safety and protection than would be possible on the Internet at large.

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Primary and Secondary Audience Analysis

The primary audience of the speech, the company managers would be interested in how the company intranet could increase potential employee communication. These managers are the members of the company the intranet would be developed for, and the intranet would exist for their collective convenience. Although not possessing a high level of interest in the technological details of development, the protocols of the potential intranet's usage, along with persuasive techniques designed to stress the project's usefulness and safeness would be of interest to this audience.

The secondary audience would compose the actual….....

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