Audience Part and Parcel to Creating Content Essay

Total Length: 616 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Part and parcel to creating content that is engaging and effective is defining who exactly content is designed for so that when those people engage in the content, they end up finding what they are expecting and/or are entertained by the same. Failure to have a good fix on what the desired audience wants leads to them disengaging quickly when they find given content and/or they do not engage in the first place and either one would be a failure for most content as discussed in this report.

One major precursor to defining the audience is to see what the competition is doing in the same regard because that will typically inform, at least in part, what that company will do to attract the same general audience. That is not to say that the new company to the fray will not trying a little different but the form and function will at least be similar.

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For example, Apple and Microsoft try to appeal to a lot of the same demographics with their computers and software but they do so in a very different fashion and they both do quite well for themselves with their respective approaches (Entrepreneur).

What is key is to define what the competition is doing and then define a way in which a company can appeal and market to the same demographic with equal or even better results. As noted by the assignment, knowing all the gritty details are important and it is simply not limited to simply use preferences. What technologies a usual client does or does not use is important as well as the social and cultural cues that get their attention vs. those that do not or even turn them away. How they view Windows vs. Mac computers and vice versa is also a relevant question. Also, making an….....

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