Australia & the United Kingdom Term Paper

Total Length: 624 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The primary political parties found in Australia, the Labor Party, Liberal Party and National Party, are also found in the United Kingdom. Both countries' political heads of state are Prime Ministers.

The primary differences in the two countries, however, are the growing disparities in culture. Australia's native people, the Aboriginees, have increasingly become a cultural factor, especially after the ending of the government's assimilation policy. The large influx of immigrants from Italy, Greece, and a variety of Asian countries has changed the cultural composition of the country. Although the United Kingdom is less homogeneous than it was fifty years ago, the number of immigrants in Australia is far more significant. "Today, nearly 25% of Australians were born overseas, and 40% are immigrants or children of immigrants" ("Commonwealth").

It's an interesting dichotomy of two interconnected countries.
Australians consider themselves subjects of the British monarch, yet they are politically independent. Much of Australia's culture is based on the fact that European settlement began with colonization by Great Britain. This influence is still felt in the legal and political structures that guide the country and its citizens. However, the ethnic diversity of the citizens, since World War II, has created an increasingly unique Australian culture. This is coupled with the increased acceptance of the original inhabitants of Australia, the Aborigines. These factors have led to the unique relationship that exists between Australia and the United Kingdom. It is very much like Australia is a child who has finally left home and their mother, the United Kingdom, and has started a new life for itself.


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