Bach As We Listen to Term Paper

Total Length: 417 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

When geniuses are alive they make people uncomfortable in the ways that they challenge accepted artistic and intellectual concepts. People reject geniuses, and prefer more mainstream representations of art and literature in popular culture. But true geniuses still manage to affect the culture they live in, even if they do not gain fame and fortune. And after they die, people finally show respect to geniuses, and acknowledge their influence in culture and their ability to honestly tell the stories of people's daily lives. This has always been the case. Bach was an obscure church organist who is now one of the most famous composers who ever lived and Mozart was unappreciated and died in a pauper's grave.
Jackson Pollock's Abstract Impressionism is reflected in advertising today, but its nonrepresentational style frightened people in his day, and even popular great artists like Picasso and Shakespeare were not fully appreciated, or at least were not acknowledged as unique until they were very old, or until the age of their greatest creative ferment had past. People do not like to be made uncomfortable by heart, hence the preference for the cliches of popular art......

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