Balance -- Static and Dynamic Planned Outcome Essay

Total Length: 728 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Balance -- Static and Dynamic

Planned Outcome

To work on balance by traveling along lines on the floor and by starting and stopping a variety of locomotor movements with control. Note the students who lose their balance or are unable to stop with control when the music stops. Watch for correct execution of locomotor skills.


Children find a spot on any line on the gym floor. Allow a reasonable amount of time, then instruct them to "freeze." Start the music. The children walk forward, following lines on the floor. Stop the music. The children freeze like statues. Comment on the "great statues" as they freeze without moving. As the activity continues, challenge students to travel on the lines using different locomotor skills.


Upbeat music, boom box, lines to move on Safety Awareness

Ensure that the space is clear of obstructions and that students walk enough to not be a fall risk.

Evaluation of Experience

Assessment is the first step in developing the Individual Education Program (IEP) for an individual with disabilities. It focuses on identifying activity needs of the individual, and is the interpretation of measurements obtained through testing.

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Assessment is also used to make decisions about placement and program planning. It forms the foundation for the instruction given to an individual with disabilities so she can safely and successfully participate in physical education class. This activity should help highlight any gross deficits in motor strength, skill and function (Allen and Marotz, 2007).

Future Provisions

Challenge students to travel in different directions along the lines. Use music with different tempos and ask students to match that speed.

Reflections on Your Role

The role of the teacher is informal evaluation of students for psychomotor, cognitive, and effective issues in a valid, reliable, and objective manner.

Goal you can work on to improve your skills

One could read further on stages of motor development, variation in skills presentation and various techniques to spur development in this age group (Berk, 2008)

2-3 years:

Planned Outcome

Checklist with names and locomotor skills. Mark locomotor skills of those students who need additional instruction.


Review moving in general space safely and the locomotor skills (use….....

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"Balance -- Static And Dynamic Planned Outcome", 04 February 2012, Accessed.1 June. 2024,