Battle of Bastille and the Essay

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Paris Commune. The local Parisian population, worker and lower middle class wanted Paris to be self-governing with its own elected council. Though some towns in France were already governing themselves, the national government would not allow it in Paris due to the rebellious nature of the local populace. They also wanted a more "just democratic-socialist" means of managing the economy. Their demands were not met. They were massacred, imprisoned, or exiled instead.

French Revolution. The Declaration of the Rights of Man, inspired by the American Declaration of Independence, demanded that all men have equal rights and that the purpose of government was to ensure enforcement of those rights. The rights demanded were: property, liberty, security, and resistance to oppression. It was made part of the 1792 French constitution.

What Can We Learn

We learn that creativity and idealism can wipe away old, stale ideas of what government should be. Revolutions do that. However, we also learn that the emotionalism and fervor aroused by these ideas can lead to new systems of control and "questionable" leadership.

Right now we are facing a time when the worst moments bring us thoughts of the near-failure of capitalism. And we see a new President, full of creativity, with new ideas that stir the emotions of a nation, but he is forced to operate within the confines of a bureaucratic government. This idealism can become doctrine in order to make it work, and that brings us back to where we started -- big government and its dictates to impose what it believes is good for us all --….....

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