Beautiful Is Good Although Present Essay

Total Length: 560 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The ancient story involving Eros and Psyche also deals with the concept of beautiful as being equivalent to good. Psyche is tricked into thinking that her lover is actually a serpent who actually wants to consume her and her child when it will need to be fed. Even with the fact that she is familiar with her husband's character, Psyche listens to her sisters and cannot possibly live with him as long as she envisions him as a monster. This demonstrates that humanity had long considered this debate and related to it with the purpose of having people understand that beauty does not necessarily make a person better, as he or she should be simply judged on account of his or her attributes.

One is likely to experience a lot of episodes involving people appreciating other people on account of their beauty throughout his or her life. Employers often act on the basis of physical appearance, as many consider that it would be pointless to hire someone who is physically unattractive when they could hire a better-looking person holding the same experience as the one who is not beautiful.
It is basically a part of the human nature to consider that better-looking things or persons are actually better. For example, people are likely to buy products that look good, even with the fact that they are not acquainted with their characteristics. Unfortunately for humanity, beauty sells and is going to sell for some time until the masses learn that there is more to life….....

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