Beauty and the Beast Beauty Essay

Total Length: 1874 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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While the sisters have to rub their eyes with an onion to make it look like they are crying, the brothers actually shed real tears. Beauty, on the other hand, "did not cry at all, because she did not want to make everyone even sadder" (De Beaumont 71). In addition to serving as another case in which women's self-expression is discouraged, this incident shows the brother's favorable characterization in light of the women's unfavorable one. In this instance only the men are sincere, expressing the emotions they feel. The brothers cry and the father begs her daughter to stay behind. It is only the women who deceive others as to their real feelings, one way or another. Another example of a case in which Beauty is described as inferior to a man is the dinner where Beauty asks the Beast if she can return home to see her father. She offers him nearly an ultimatum when she says, "I would die of grief if you were to deny me this wish" (De Beaumont 75). Although the Beast offers a similar reply when he asks to be sure to return, it is phrased in such a way that he is simply mimicking her words.
Because of these instances in which women are portrayed as inferior to men in character, the story continues to offer a commentary that is objectionable to feminists.

Thus, "Beauty and the Beast" may appear to be an innocent tale of romance between two unlikely characters, but a deeper reading of the story reveals so much more. Instead of being innocent, "Beauty and the Beast" actually advocates themes of women's unimportance in a marriage. As a primer to women for marriage, the story advocates that women deny themselves entirely for their husbands. And if this is not enough, the story continues by simply showing women in a negative light, advocating society's negative opinion of them.


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